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> Business > Room Management Program

Room Management Program

Don’t installation required for web and mobile reservation system that can be confirmed immediately on the reservation!
You can check the reservation information in real-time regardless of time and place, and handle your work efficiently.

Room Management Program

PC and Mobile can perform Anytime, Anywhere
If you have only internet connection without separate installation, you can check the reservation management system

You can check your reservation information in real time, so you can work transparently and reliably

Room Management Program

The bright color interface
allows you to check the status,
enabling you to do business quickly.

Interfaces that can be viewed at a glance from a distance Checking the changes of the customer's requirements and the condition of the guest room in real time Therefore the work can be quickly.

Real-time room check

Identify vacancies and process quickly with real-time room views

Room situation is checked just at a glace

No more fill in handcraft books, directly view and manage it.

Clear Revenue verification

Real-time, transparent sales management

Various options control

Direct control of air conditioner / light / heater

Cleaning Staff Application Service

Cleaning staff app
Additional service support

In conjunction with the room management program,
You can check your room status in real time and manage your room more quickly